First hand knowledge of Islam... and yes it is evil

First let me state that there are two types of islam... no, not shite and sunni, but HONEST islam and WATERED DOWN islam. The HONEST islam is pure evil... Islam in itself is a religion built on deception... it's moniker, ISLAM or PEACE is superlatively misleading. Any person who takes the
time to read the Koran will understand that there is NO peace in Islam. In fact, the Koran states that the world MUST one day be rid of jews and christians and become totally islamic. This would be hard to believe when we consider the "peaceful" muslims that are living in the west. The truth is these muslims are no more peaceful than their overseas brethren, however, they cannot state their true feelings because they are a minority in the west. Therefore they take a passive role, but this is not true islam.
True Islam is the Islam I experienced while living in Iraq. The Islam that forbids christian teachings in school, and REQUIRES that all citizens EVEN CHRISTIANS study the Koran and Islam. It is the Islam that hates anything progressive, meaning anything non-muslim. They hate the west, yet they cannot wait to get their hands on the newest nokia cell phones and i pods in lebanon. They hate the sexy american singers like brittany spears, yet they cannot even raise one world about their own sensual arabic singers like Haifa and Nancy Ajram shaking their rears all over television. And when these young muslims grow up to have the newest technology, dress like prostitutes, and get left behind by the modern world, they will undoubtedly blame the west. They While we all heard stories from American-Muslims how deeply saddened they were about the events on 9/11 PLEASE BELIEVE the fact that every single muslim, whether living in Syria or Wisconsin, went to bed on 9/11 with a smile on their face, because in their religion America is SATAN. They were happy because the events foreshadowed what they believe will come true according to the Koran... an Islamic World.
The Koran itself is to blame for the contradictory lives and sharp contrasts of muslims from different places. The Koran is NOT CONCRETE. In fact, it often contradicts itself in the same Sura. It states that alcohol is inherently evil, yet it also says that heaven has streams of fine wine. It states that Christians should be viewed as brothers, yet it states that worshipers of mortal beings (Christ) should be persecuted. It states that a muslim should never force anyone to become muslim and simply allow them to have thier beliefs while you practice your own, yet it also states that non-muslims are infidels and should be destroyed. This allows a great deal of freedom to muslims around the world. A muslim in Iraq will say "I bombed a church because the Koran says Christians should be destroyed", and a Muslim in Texas will say, "Christians and Muslims are brothers because the Koran says we are".
I lived in Iraq... I heard about Saddam's son sending people to wait outside CHRISTIAN homes in order to violate their daughters. I noticed how members of his son's clique would crash CHRISTIAN weddings in order to violate the bride before the husband could consumate the marriage. WHERE WAS THE PEACEFUL KORAN THEN? Where was the Peaceful Koran when Churches were bombed by muslims in Mosul, Bagdad, and even in the Holy Land? The truth is that Islam is inherently evil, it persecutes Christians and Jews, while allowing it's own followers to take any stand they wish and say "the koran says so".
The next time you have an honest discussion with a muslim ask him some interesting questions:
A) If Mohammed was truly sent from God, why did he fear men? He ran betwen Mecca and Medina to avoid persecution, while Christ stood his ground and went freely. Wouldn't a HOLY man have no fear of death or persection?
B)If Christ is simply a Prophet (like muslims believe) and Mohammed is supposedly the most important Prophet... why did God take Christ up into heaven (another fact that Muslims acknowledge) and leave Mohammed to die a mortal death?
C)If you live in the West and enjoy the freedoms that the West provides.... yet you watch your "brothers" attack and kill western soldiers and civilians, why don't you stand up to DENOUNCE these acts. Not to your local newspaper, but STAND UP and let your religious leaders know that you are against these acts. Send a delegation of a million muslims to Washington to Show support for the US troops that are defending your freedom to even live in the US. When Muslim leaders over seas see your support of the US they may rethink their stand on "infedels". Let them know how our kids have a great life, without the fear of the persection. Western Muslims will never do that because they want the best of both worlds.... they want the western way of life while still being able to say they follow islam. IF YOUR REALLY THINK ABOUT IT... HONESTLY... A MUSLIM LIVING IN THE US IS IN ITSELF A CONTRADICTION... IT IS LIKE A CHRISTIAN WANTING TO LIVE WITH SATAN. IF THE U.S. IS SO BAD THEN WHY ARE THEY LIVING HERE... AND IF IT IS A GREAT PLACE TO LIVE WHY ARE THEY NOT STANDING UP FOR AMERICA?
First hand knowledge of Islam... and yes it is evil First hand knowledge of Islam... and yes it is evil Reviewed by Asaph Mic on 15:46:00 Rating: 5

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