According to the Pentagon, the decision to send the high number of
ground forces was to pass a message to one country, which is Russia and
it's president, Vladmir Putin.
"Russia as you know with their incursion into Ukraine, that's something that has a lot of our allies and partners concerned," Pentagon Spokesman Capt. Jeff Davis told journalists on Monday. "Being able to demonstrate tangibly our commitment to their defense is an important element of our overall collective defense in Europe."
The 4000 soldiers sent from the 3rd Brigade of the 4th Infantry Division
in Fort Carson, Colorado also travelled to Germany with 2,400 pieces of
tanks, armored fighting vehicles, artillery, trucks and containers and
will keep the military equipments in Poland before moving to other
Eastern European countries to join up with armed forces of their allies.
In the aftermath of Russia president Vladmir Putin's intervention in
Ukraine, the U.S Armed Forces have revealed they aim to strengthen their
armed force (Land, sea and air) presence in Europe to show their
European allies that they can't be bulldozed by Russia.
"Let me be very clear: This is one part of our efforts to deter Russian aggression, ensure the territorial integrity of our allies, and maintain a Europe that is whole, free, prosperous and at peace," US European Command Deputy Commander Lt. Gen. Tim Ray said.
"We are invested ... from infrastructure upgrades across the continent to airfields and ranges. We're also pre-positioning supplies and equipment, and exercising with our Allies and partners."
This move will only further heighten already deteriorated tensions
between the Obama led U.S and Russia's Putin. Interesting to see how a
Trump presidency will pan out.

United States sends 4000 strong army to Germany and Poland as warning to Russia
Reviewed by
Asaph Mic

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