Helen Paul reflects on her past and all the jobs she had to do to survive

Helen Paul reflects on her past and all the jobs she had to do to make ends meet
Comedienne, Helen Paul has revealed some of the jobs she had to do years ago in order to make ends meet.
Helen disclosed that she sold satchet water popularly known as pure water as an undergraduate at the University of Lagos.  She also modelled but didn't succeed at that, she then tried being a makeup
artist but clients were not forthcoming.
According to Helen, her life has since turned around as she now gets calls from banks asking what they can do for her.
Read her grass to grace story below.
Helen Paul reflects on her past and all the jobs she had to do to make ends meet
Helen Paul reflects on her past and all the jobs she had to do to survive Helen Paul reflects on her past and all the jobs she had to do to survive Reviewed by Asaph Mic on 16:30:00 Rating: 5

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